Astrée Duval est une artiste transfem blanche qui navigue entre Berlin, Bruxelles et Paris. Prolifique et pluriel, son travail se déploie dans les domaines de la littérature, la philosophie et la théorie critique, l’art vidéo et numérique, la performance et l’installation, la peinture et la calligraphie, l’animation d’ateliers, la photographie, le design graphique et web. Elle enflamme régulièrement les nuits en tant que dj et danseuse endiablée💄✨

Sa recherche est actuellement axée sur la magie et la sorcellerie trans, la dissociation comme praxis queer, l'esthétique du visage en lien avec l'intelligence artificielle, la culture club, l'habitat et la filiation queer. Astrée est une penseuse matérialiste et militante socialiste, engagée pour un féminisme queer et intersectionnel✊💋

Inscrivez-vous pour suivre mes aventures:

Ce site est encore en construction. Le menu de droite ne fonctionne pas encore, mais vous pouvez trouver certains de mes projets ci-dessous cachés derrière les emojis:

✈️ 📕 🚌 🍒 🌳 ✒️ 🌷 👽 📢 📈 🪄 💾 🦠 ☮️ 👨‍💼 🤔 🍹 💻 🧴 🧑‍🎤 ♟️ 🍃 😡 🎨 🔮 🏖 📊 💈 💀 💒 🤯 🏞️ 📼 👜

(plus de contenu dans la page en Anglais!)

*•. ♡ 🧚‍♀️ ♥. • *

Astrée Duval is a white transfem artist cruising around Berlin, Brussels and Paris. Prolific and plural, her work spans the fields of literature, philosophy and critical theory, video and internet art, performance and installation, painting and calligraphy, workshop facilitation, photography. She also regularly ignite the nights as eclectic DJ, spirited dancer and fashion icon💄✨

Her current research focuses on queer techno culture, dissociation as trans praxis, simulation delirium, AI aesthetics and fem hypnosis. Astrée is a materialist thinker and socialist activist, committed to intersectional queer feminism✊💋

Subscribe to follow my adventures:

This site is (always) under construction. Here are some of my old projects hidden behind these emojis:

✈️ 📕 🚌 🍒 🌳 ✒️ 🌷 👽 📢 📈 🪄 💾 🦠 ☮️ 👨‍💼 🤔 🍹 💻 🧴 🧑‍🎤 ♟️ 🍃 😡 🎨 🔮 🏖 📊 💈 💀 💒 🤯 🏞️ 📼 👜

‧. °.⋆ NEWS •˚‧⋆ .

September 24 — Graduation! I am official art master 💅 now looking for publishers for my book projects, and a gallery to show my physical artworks. I'm also finishing my second website, for the curious I hid the link on the new Dr Love page 💕 oh and I recently made my first zine, I will upload it soon! x

June 24 — I am now on substack 🖋️

May 24 — My first web-based piece as Astrée :') check out my fem paradise!

April 24 — I have installed a few prints in VV, the cutest vintage store in Neuköln, Reuterstrasse 80 <3

October 23 — Lenticular prints on their way! Discover my latest experiments with digital slit-scanning 🖨️

July 23 — Read queeertriiibessthesmashversion, the piece I wrote for Arts of the Working Class 🗞️

July 23 — Listen to cute/chasm, my mix for Zoé's show on Lyl Radio🥀

March 23NEOTRIBE prints available! 15*15cm, framed, signed. Check out this page and pick yours🧑‍🎤

April 23Queer Communal Kinship Now! is out on Punctum Books📕


Things I'm currently busy with:


My online, ongoing literary performance and playground. Delirious. Raw. Unleashed! From an anonymous reviewer: "A poetic, sensual, drug induced, real life trans memoir with deep intellectual-avant garde touch. Experimental and sexy!" IT'S HERE💥

The Purple Temple

Inspired by my journey into Berlin's queer club scene, I am writing a book of romantic philosophy. This is a text on trans dissociation, gay spirituality and dance as a tribal healing practice. An attempted bible for the rainbow revolution💗


I'm working on my first exhibition :) for a sneak peak, here is a video of a presentation I made in March 24.

⋆˖ ⁺‧ WORK ‧ ⁺˖ ☾

Works available for booking:


La Queer Life - Domesticity, Kinship, Utopia

How can we emancipate from the monolithic model of the nuclear family and the heteronormativity engraved in our social and architectural landscapes? Inspired by anti-patriarchal and gender-fuck approaches to home-making, this workshop will lead us into a collective exploration of what queerness produces on our domestic impulses. Through discussion, drawing and movement, we will develop our narratives of connection and shape the outlines of our feminist queer utopias.

Casual Trouble - What About Institutional Queerness?

How to deploy a queer anti-capitalist discourse in spaces that are complicit in the reproduction of the power structures we denounce? What is our political agency as people whose subsistence depends on compromised institutions? How to be a pragmatic agent of change while living as an artist in a capitalist country? Is it possible to navigate the lack of integrity and ethics in the contemporary art world? Together, we will discuss strategies and tactics to navigate these unsavory situations. Keywords: privilege, cronyism, tokenism, complacency, performativity



3′36″ flash trans hot punk performance. Bring clashy peps and realness to your party💥 no photo/video 🚫


Video installation. Faciality driving femqueen becomings through AI delirium. Channels and duration variable. See a preview here. More info.


Video installation and performance. Meditations on dissociation and territoriality under neoliberal conditions of hyperflexibility and mobility. Also, the art world. ∼5 minutes performance. 2 channels, 18 minutes video. See a preview here.

Earlier video and internet works available for display. Catalog on demand. Or just tell me about your next exhibition/event and I will come up with something fabulous💃

I am also available for panel discussions on the following topics: queer kinship and domesticity, faciality in internet culture, queer and trans magic. Astrée is versed in queer and affect theory, french post-structuralism and feminist new materialism.

⊹ ˚. WRITINGS 。゚⋆

Here you can find a selection of my infamous A4 literature:

urgent knowledge
everything is so fucking boring

also my grindr bio 🥵🔥 (send me yours!)

·. ✧ BIOGRAPHY ✧.·

Astrée Duval is dancefloor mystique, cosmic healer and socialist agitator. Tranny Robin Hood on acid, priestess of the purple temple. A badly shaved punk goddess living on clouds.

She works as a visual artist and produces avant-garde literature, dissociated poetry and fun social critique. The hottest witch in town. She’s totally out of control!


You can reach me by phone or email 🪐

✧˖°. LOVE ˚⋆˜

Oh my friends and kins and comrades I love you so much!!! Agathe🐸 ❤ A-L Ig ♥ Alice V ♡ Aline H ♥ Alix B ♡ Alvina C ♡ Ange ♥ Anni N ♡ Antoine D ♥ Antoine Simeão Schalk ♡ Aurélien L ❤ Ayo ♥ Bia K ♡ Bobbie B ❤ Boris Casa Kuà ❤ Castelie Y ♡ Coraline C ❤ Celine E ❤ Chill ❤ Clément T ♡ CutiesDMDr OrganiceeeezziElif Cadoux ♡ Ella ❤ Etienn A ❤ le FLIRT ♡ Gabrielle Rosewood❤️‍🔥 ♥ Jasper Hanako H ❤ Hazel ♡ Josh S ❤ Klara F ♡ Irene Queerlife ❤ Laura P ♡ laUra ❤ Laurène M ♡ Léa T ♡ Les soeurs Bonté ❤ Lila R ♡ Linda DeMorrir ♡ Louis B ❤ Lotte V ♥ Lucas R ♡ Luka Vi ♥ Lucie ♥ Mara ♥ Marie L ❤ Marion C ❤ Marina ♡ MCVL ❤ modèle vivant.e ♥ Muireann ♥ Naast Monique ♡ Nina P ❤ Noor-CooCoo-Suzy ♥ Nora U ♡ Nouche ❤ Lorette ♥ Océane E ♥ Olave Nduwanje ♡ Olivier B ♡ Orion D ♥ Patate ♥ PD la RevuePride des Banlieues ♥ Richard ❤ Ruby F ❤ Sateen ♡ Sarnt U ❤ Saverio C ❤ Sille ❤ Soa M ❤ SkinshipsWitches ♥ Tatia D ❤ terraficsoup ❤ Thorir F ❤ Thymios F ♡ Tristana D ❤ Trou Noir ❤ Vakki P ❤ Victor Abraham Lacô 🐯 Wesley ❤ YJ ♡ Zoé Couppé ❤ Zuzza ❤ ♡ ♥

Isa & JM for your precious support ❤
Granny and Grand-Papa for being models of working-class goodness ♥ ♡
The queer and trans elders who paved the way to make this world slightly more welcoming ♥



dance is the only truth